Chris Raroque

Sunsama vs Akiflow: Comparing Top Daily Planner Apps

Akiflow and Sunsama are two of the best daily planner applications on the market, and I wanted to dive into which of these applications is better or at least give you a better picture of what these applications can do for you because they're premium products, and it's worth knowing before you buy them.

Pricing and Features

From a pricing standpoint, Akiflow is a little bit cheaper at $15 a month, whereas Sunsama is $20 a month. Both offer similar functionality, allowing you to integrate different applications like Gmail, Todoist, and Google Calendar. A daily planner app aggregates all the different things you have going on and provides a centralized area for what you're doing.

Mobile App Availability

Some things to point out about these two applications are that while they have a lot of the same features, Akiflow does not have a mobile app. However, I do know they're hiring someone to help create their mobile app. In contrast, Sunsama does have a mobile app which has been in beta for a while but is now quite solid.


From an overall functionality standpoint, I want to point out the Akiflow command bar, which does a lot of nice things for you. You can plan tasks, set deadlines, mark tasks as done, and snooze tasks easily. It also has an impressive number of integrations and keyboard shortcuts that make it easy to use.

Sunsama has a unique feature where it encourages users to have daily planning sessions and shutdown sessions every night. It also offers a Notion integration, which is in beta, but is a welcome addition. Sunsama has a task view and a calendar view, as well as the option to link calendars to channels, which works well for those who use multiple calendars for personal, work, and side hustles. Sunsama also has a fair number of keyboard shortcuts and integrations, although not as many as Akiflow.

Goals, Rituals, and Time Blocking

When it comes to setting goals, Sunsama takes a step further by allowing users to define weekly aims and link them directly to associated to-dos, whereas Akiflow focuses on daily objectives. Both apps provide an effective way to keep up with daily planning and end-of-the-day rituals, with Sunsama standing out due to its user-friendly interface. In terms of time blocking, Sunsama offers automated scheduling for to-dos, while Akiflow allows users to group tasks inside a time block, requiring manual scheduling.


If you prioritize aesthetics, Sunsama might be a better choice, as it has a more visually appealing design. However, if you can handle Akiflow's clunkier look and value its additional functionality, it might be the better option. When Akiflow releases its mobile app, it could potentially surpass Sunsama in terms of features.

Affordable Alternative: Ellie

For those on a tighter budget or looking for a lightweight daily planner app, Ellie is an excellent alternative, offering a free plan or a $5/mo pro plan and a visually appealing iOS app.


Ultimately, it's essential to consider your unique needs and preferences when choosing a daily planner app. Both Akiflow and Sunsama offer free trials, making it worth giving them a try to determine which one works best for you. Additionally, don't hesitate to check out Ellie, an affordable yet feature-rich alternative to these premium options.